Salsa Sharks 2017: Revolution Brewing web comics
/2017 has been a busy year with a lot of opportunity to create more awesomeness for the amazing people at Revolution Brewing. As fan of beer (duh) and of their brews especially, I'm always thrilled to create new work with our buds of suds! It is also a welcome opportunity to work with my lovely and talented partner Melissa Sue Stanley!
As the Salsa Sharks, Melissa and I have been working together on a plethora of projects this year including mural work, chalkboards, collaborating for an upcoming exhibit and of course comics!
We assisted RevBrew with a new marketing campaign advertising their delicious beers in the form of web comics on various social platforms. We kicked it off with the release of their second IPA variety pack. The pack featured some choice beers from their Heroes Series represented by some familiar hop-headed heroes and introducing some new faces. The heroes have now united Avengers style to form the League of Heroes.
League of Heroes Issue 2 variety pack, feat. work by myself and Melissa Sue Stanley.
The campaign continued announcing other Hero Series 6 packs, as a hop-headed hero such as Citra-Hero would venture off on their own solo mission.
The strips worked great for social sharing. Leveraging Instagram's library feature, users could swipe through each panel of the comic strip on mobile.
Comic for Citra-Hero 6 pack, feat. work by myself and Melissa Sue Stanley.
Melissa's and my workflow was similar to our approach to the Galaxy-Hero comic books. Here we would trade off pencilling duties. For example on League of Heroes Issue 2, I pencilled Amarillo-Hero and Crystal-Hero's panels and Melissa pencilled the panels for Anti-Hero and Tropic-Hero. We both collaborated on the panel of the team all together. We would trade responsibilities for the inks and colors to keep the whole of the work consistent.
Comic for Mosaic-Hero 6 packs. Melissa and I both ideated on this concept. Melissa was dedicated to making other amazing art at the time so I wound up creating the artwork for this one.
These projects are tons of fun and we have some new comic strips (and RevBrew has some new beer releases) coming very soon! Watch the RevBrew instagram for those posts! Meanwhile the Salsa Sharks are hard at work on the third issue of Galaxy-Hero coming winter/spring 2018. So keep your eyes peeled! I'll be back with more updates on what I've been doing this past year and what's to come. Thanks for reading!