Hourly Comic Day 2016
/That one time you did hourly comic day and only posted to Instagram...
Here’s what I did for 2016 Hourly Comic Day! ... um a month and a half ago ... #throwbackthursday edition?
What is Hourly Comic Day? It's a challenge created by artist John Campbell (see: lazy research). Comic peeps have been keeping the tradition once a year, on Feb 1. It's a fun and revealing exercise that is surprisingly doable at home, at work or in transit! I find it a fun way to find comic artists I never knew before. It's also great to see friends who might not consider themselves comic artists also jump on board and doodle a comic an hour! If this sounds fun to you, keep your eyes peeled and pencils sharp for next year's HCD!
written by Dave Schneider of Mystery Afoot and Salsa Sharks fame!