If a picture tells a thousand words, a string of pictures tells an entire story. Illustration can be an incredible aide in guiding us through a new idea, a concept, an experience. It can introduce value to potentials and another level of immersion in your brand.
Role: Visual Design
Illustrated User Flow
Vokal developed a mobile product that expedited real life connections. I created a series of visual sequences used in our team’s user flow proposals. Illustration aided in visualization of our proposed experience.
Tutorial Illustration
Deja Vu! A few simple illustrations in the final product introduce first time users to some benefits they might expect. Used both in tutorial and website.
Role: Visual Design
Illustrated User Flow
Another example of illustration assisting in user experience walkthroughs. This sequence was used in consultation of a Vokal client's certificate redemption experience on web and mobile.
Role: Visual Design / Illustration
Illustrations for a pitch deck outlining the rise of purchases on mobile.